Overall this collab was animated beautifully. That's something to be proud of I think, as most video game related parodies just seem to have no quality control. It's great to see such commitment to the overall quality of the movie and is deffo something to be proud about.
However, although all the animation was there, I just couldn't find the content within it. As amazing as most of the sketches looked, they seemed to finish as I was still expecting some sort of punchline or finishing gag. I'm not sure to blame bad writing or myself for not understanding most of the sketches.
Although only few, some of the sketches seemed to tie in together, for instance the hospital scene with pass casualties from previous sketches, but each sketch seemed to have a very different approach to humour. In theory this is a great idea to appeal to a wider audience, however it horrifically breaks up the pacing I found. Some of the sketches bought a smile to my face, to then be interrupted by some sort of obscure anime / furry / Sonic the Hedgehog parody (is he even Nintendo?). The longest sketch, the arguement within the Lylat team, especially dragged on. It was funny at first, if not overdone (Falco bitching, Slippy being annoying, etc. Seen it all before... in the Soopah Nintendo parody too if I'm not mistaken?) It didn't really end with a punchline, just awkwardness, again, which just broke the pacing of the animation I found.
It was refreshing to see such a high level of animation, but I think having a collab about "Nintendo" is FAR too broad as a theme for a collab. Fair enough to use Nintendo Characters, but I think more direction is needed for each sketch other than to say "animate something about Nintendo well". Each sketch in this collab could have happily been released as an individual animation as they made very little, if not, no effort at all to link together. I think the most successful part of the animaton was when the Lylat team came across the creepy moon from the Zelda sketch, as this was one of the few parts that made this animation feel like a collab, which is what this is supposed to be... right?