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Serious amount of talent here. Extraordinarily clean and varied animation. The music to the song was a bit ear-piercing, but guessing that was the point? Deffo something to show off in a portfolio.

PoundToundHound responds:

Thank you so much! <3

I recognise this from a certain Animation Battle! Will you be scheming some ideas for May's Poorly Timed Time Machine? :)

Butzbo responds:

Yeah, 'Bad Magic' was a fun one!
I'll be looking for a good weekend for the current battle, the theme is great for a micro-short :D

Jesus, the quality?

Something I was not able to get over throughout the entire animation was the quality of it. Pixellated lines and blurry text/images? It looks like something exported from Windows Movie Maker and put onto YouTube... yet the YouTube link you put in your description is better quality? Seriously, you should consider fixing that asap as it seriously distracts from the effort you've put into this animation.

As for the animation itself, it's presented well, the characters look authentically funny. You capture this impatient, irate alpha male brilliantly. The biggest problem however is the length of this animation! It drags on!

I'm sorry to use it as an example, but you say yourself it was used as inspiration. The reason Powerthirst was so successful was because it was short, sweet and to the point. The length made it easy to remember which is why people quoted it often (and still do). In this toon however, the joke gets old fast. If the scenes continued to get shorter maybe, to not overstay their welcome, and the voice continued to get MORE INSANE and MORE OVER THE TOP, I seriously think that would have saved this. However, the voice sticks with one tone and seems to get less enthusiastic by the end which kind of kills it.

Also, come on, let's be fair for a second. You say the script is not connected to Powerthirst, but then animate it so it looks and sounds exactly the same as Powerthirst? Don't shoot yourself in the foot.

It was fun though, nice one, but please, fix the quality for NG!

Chag responds:

Well that was the point really, saw the script and thought, "Hey this would be awesome in a powerthirst esque style" so no I stand by when I say the original has no connection. But it was coincidentally similar, which is what inspired me to make it.

Again, I tried for a couple of weeks to get the movie out in a way that looked nice but was still under the file limit... It drove me insane and eventually caved, so I really wish there was something I could do about it. If I knew this problem was going to happen, I probably wouldn't have looped it through AfterEffects to begin with.

Other than that, great feedback and criticism. Appreciated =]


Excellent short.

The timing of everything was very well done and the expressions on the characters faces were just right. The backgrounds were very well done too - having played The Passing, it's easy to tell exactly where everything is happening which is a nice touch. Overall it was pretty awesome!

Just a couple of things, Nick looked a bit off, which was a shame as all the other characters were done well. Something about his chin maybe... the size of his nose/mouth maybe? Not sure, but something. Also, I think it was a bad move using Coach as the picture for the front page. Just by that you can tell it's going to be the back of Coach's head for the Valve logo, and the second you see those gas canisters, well, put two and two together!

Still though, that's just nitpicking. A great short that doesn't overstay it's welcome.

Falconer02 responds:

GREAT review here, people. Learn from Jimbo-Limbo on how to do an in-depth review.

Admittedly when I transmitted Nick from pencil to ink, it oddly looked a lot different. And unfortunately I didn't get a choice on the frontpage little picture. I'm gonna look into that right now actually!

Thanks a lot!

Lol, long review.

As a giant man-child who played an unhealthy amount of Kirby games in my youth, I couldn't help myself in watching something related to him...

I admit, and with all due respect, I wasn't expecting much when I watched this. It's quite similar to many other collabs, if not all, on NG now. Take a video game character - add real life situation/issues/memes, end. I made this mistake when I used to animate, of writing a script as I animated, instead of writing a script first, making sure it was funny/original, and sticking to it, and that I think is some advice to take home. With the amount of organisation that went into this, I have to question whether any time went into looking over the actual sketches that were being animated.

Some of the jokes were repeated, such as bringing to light the many fights Kirby has with Meta Knight or Kirby thinking he is gay because he is pink. A collab should really bring everyone together to trade and discuss ideas to ensure each sketch can be original from one another. As for the other sketches, most seemed to be some sort of situation such as fighting or talking followed by a very over done meme. There's no point putting so much time into an animation without thinking the sketch through itself. I made that mistake when I used to do it and I regret it so much.

It's difficult to do something original with video game characters as almost every joke could have been used for any other video game (for instance, Kirby and Waddle Dee talking in a bar to have meta knight demand a fight. That could have just as easily been Mario talking to Luigi to have Bowser demand a fight)

In your comments you mentioned this took nearly 12 months (which is perfectly understandable considering everyone has lives to get on with and such), but you really could have done something more. If you intend to do another collab, I would just suggest talking as a team more to ensure everyone produces something original and funny. Don't be afraid to say to each other if you think something needs changing, just think of the outcome.

I had no problems with the animation and graphics considering the age of some of the people who contributed, but the humour, which the animation is all about, just isn't there. I know "different people find different things funny" but if you all want to animate for these generic "4chan" jokes (which you will all grow out of very soon and cringe when you think back to it), you're wasting your time as it has all been done to death. Rick roll, firin' mah lazah... really?

Sorry, I'm not great at summing things up shortly without sounding like a cock. I'm sure you all enjoyed creating this. I remember how much I used to enjoy it. So keep going, but everyone, just think before you do.

Wish I could turn the clock back sometimes and spend those long hours animating something really worth while... (lol dramatic)

FlashfireEX responds:

Thank you for trying to be positive with a somewhat negative comment, and for taking your time to write a long review. We honestly did enjoy making this and for us, this was funny. We do realize that not everyone is going to laugh at the same jokes or any of them for that matter but we mostly did this for fun (and maybe an award, which we managed to achieve). Most people didn't think the 4chan jokes were funny as you can clearly see by the many negative comments but there honestly weren't as many as people seem to be saying. Sure there's a few and the rickroll was a bit uncalled for but as for most of the humor, we thought it was funny so we kept it. We'll certainly try to be a bit funnier in the next Collab. If anything, the animation will be better. So thanks for reviewing. ;D

Ah, memories...

This you have here is a very special animation! I think it was quite satisfying to see all the quotes used in a tasteful manner and to have something not based purely around the "DO A BARREL ROLL!" quote for a change!

Great use of the original sounds and voices all of which were in high quality and although the animation maybe isn't the best around, it was all well drawn and all the characters were easily identifiable and carried through the personalities we remember them by in the games!

Great 'toon here and well put together - could have sworn they were actually having conversations at times! Haha. Good length too and nice touch with the "Bonus Features" and the general look of the menu!

Really enjoyed this one, brought back some great memories! Cheers!

PuffballsUnited responds:

Glad you liked it. It would've been hard to make a movie using only "Do a barrel roll"


I caught this one a few days back, and have to say I had a fine chuckle! After finishing old GTA IV yesterday, I had to come back and have another watch, purely because of that remix of Roman at the end. Class!

The general concept was just amusing, a fin take on the GTA series. Voice acting for Niko and Roman were most amusing also! Especially Roman. :D

Good job. But curse you at the same time, that remix was stuck in my head for 8 hours straight at work. :D Not that I mind though, as it is just brilliant. :D

Battosai810 responds:

Glad you liked it man! I'm almost done with the game (on like, the second to last mission)
Thanks for the props on my voice acting - wasn't sure how well it would fly!
Be sure to download that remix! Credits to my buddy xander1062!




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